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Learning how to be truly honest and open with others about what I am looking for and trying to achieve can transform yoiur levels of success. If you don’t know exactly what you are trying to achieve, how can anyone help you? Actually, being honest with others, showing that you don’t know all the answers are, scared about your next move or need help, is a massive hurdle for many It is extremely hard to be yourself and see yourself at the same time. Firstly, a mastermind group creates the space for you to step outside of your business or life and work on it rather than in it. Secondly, the diverse perspectives in the room will help you see opportunities where you may have had a blind spot. You will leave the group with new ideas and strategies for your business and life. Surrounding yourself with the right people who can add value to your business and you can add value to theirs is the objective of a Mastermind Group.
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    "Our ‘Inner World’ shapes our ‘Outer World'" is the single most important insight from the world of self-help/ personal development. No matter what country, what culture we are from, there is something common among us human beings – we all want to be somebody living a good life! There is tons of material on self-help/ personal development available these days, and while those individual pieces of advice in the form of quotes or videos provide healthy food for thought, they might not necessarily make a lasting difference as it is typically piecemeal advice without a comprehensive understanding and structure around how it all works together. This is where a comprehensive curriculum that teaches the most key principles around self-help/ personal development can make a difference! The objective of designing this course is to enable you to get quick yet lasting results. In this course, you will learn the most key principles relating to self-help/ personal development that I have gathered from my extensive reading and experience (300+ self-help/ personal development books over ~20 years). I have developed a dedicated framework that covers the 3 key aspects of personal transformation having 8 elements in total: Individuality Self-image (How you see yourself?) Beliefs (How you see the world?) Charisma (How the world sees you?) Inspiration Passion (What makes you come alive?) Goals (What is your vision?) Intensity Mind control (How to assign empowering meanings?) Self-talk (How to talk to yourself?) Time management (How to use the greatest leveler?) This course will introduce you to the most key principles that every person must understand as irrespective of the fact if you believe in or practice these principles or not, they still continue to apply for you! Once you master these basic principles, you won’t need to read up any more detailed literature. A number of custom-designed exercises have also been included, which have proven effective for myself and many others around me. The exercises will help you assess your current situation (know exactly where you are stuck!), define your target state and design the transformational roadmap for you to bridge the gap and achieve your breakthrough. Ensure that you complete the exercises even if they feel uncomfortable/ tedious at first. Real lasting impact will come from doing the exercises. Once you learn how to do one full iteration of the exercises and are able to take yourself to the next level, you can repeat the entire iteration from your new normal, and continue to be on that upward trajectory, of hitting higher and higher levels. Post undertaking this course, you will feel more “in control” of your life and be more successful in achieving the results that you desire along each of the life areas: Physical (Health), Intellectual (Work), Social (Relationships), Financial (Money), and Spiritual (Soul) As the world around us continues to transform rapidly creating more and more awareness and opportunities for everyone, it becomes imperative for having a happy and contented life that one has more clarity on what they want from their own lives irrespective of what others around them are doing! This is where again, having a stronger understanding of one's own body, mind and spirit comes into play. With this short introduction, I would like to invite you to join me in this transformational journey. I have done my best to ensure that this course delivers significant value to you. Despite that, for some reason, should you feel you didn’t get adequate value for your money, feel free to go for the 30-day money back. Take action, enroll in the course, learn the principles, apply them and become the best version of yourself!!
      In this course you will learn how to develop a physical and energetic presence that attracts the attention you want both on a personal and professionally level. You will also feel more comfortable with your sensuality, and gratitude while receiving positive attention. This course will leave you feeling confident and feminine. Most importantly, you will experience more passion in your life – particularly your love life. Who should take this course? This course is for any woman that wants to deepen the connection she has with her feminine energy. This course is created to allow you to tap into your inner beauty, strength and vitality. You will feel empowered and confident no matter where you go. Why is it important for you to take this course? In order for you to live up to your full potential and joy life to maximum it is important to nurture the larger vision of who you are (that means both your masculine and feminine side). Unfortunately we (as women) have lost touch with our feminine side as we draw mostly on masculine energy to get things done during the day. After a while our feminine energy begins to weaken. This leaves us feeling empty, hollow and disconnected on the inside. This is why it is so crucial for you to practice and restore your feminine energy and create the perfect balance that allows for bliss and inner peace. Is it hard work and time consuming? By making use of the easy, practical action steps you will practice tapping into your feminine energy on a daily basis. This isn't difficult and any women can do this with a little bit of dedication. All you really need is the desire to let your feminine side shine. Sign up today and replenish the feminine goddess within you!
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        This course is part of a series: Reframing Corona - using Reframing and Paradigm Shifts to rethink life and work during a global pandemic Reframing personal questions: this course. Reframing work, organisations, leadership, and business models: see my Innovation Mindset course. Reframing societal change: see my Paradigm Shifts course. Reframing is a technique to change the way you look at the world, and to change the way you act in the world. Changing your thinking, and changing your behaviour. It's a five-step technique to turn the things that irritate you, that frustrate you, or that cause you pain, into new situations where you are in control, and which you enjoy. It's a way to design your own way of acting in the world. I use real-life examples of people who have use Reframing to change the way they look at themselves, to get a new perspective on their environment, or to become less fearful. They have used these new perspectives to make lasting changes in their lives. Reframing is not difficult, though you should really follow the steps closely for it to give you a truly exciting and liberating perspective. It can also be a lot of fun. I started developing this specific Reframing technique in 2004, and have taught it to thousands of people in workshops and lectures all over the world since then. I published the book Reframing - the art of thinking differently in 2012.
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          Welcome to "Another 20 Free Life Hacks to Inspire You to Excel in Life." This course is a collection of 20 more of my favorite daily video Vlogs. Topics that we will cover include: Day 1: When Should You Start Your Company Day 2: Don't Let Anyone Tell You How to Live Your Life Day 3: Learn What Not to Do When You Work for Other People Day 4: How to Burn Calories While You Work! Day 5: Run to Your Fears (Because Your Competition Won’t) Day 6: 1 Random Act of Kindness Daily Changes EVERYTHING In Your Life Day 7: Goal Setting Advice From Derek Jeter And Tony Robbins That Changed My Life Day 8: Unjustified Criticism is a Disguised Complement (Your Perception Becomes Reality) Day 9: All You Need is What You Have Day 10: Change Your Life By Changing Your Environment Day 11: How to Accomplish Much More Every Day (A Simple Productivity Hack That Works) Day 12: 10 Simple Excel Tricks To Make You Much More Productive (And It’s Fun Too!) Day 13: How to Increase Your Net Worth by $31,997,856 By Making 5 Simple Spending Habit Day 14: The World's Six Best Doctors (Great Advice from Steve Jobs) Day 15: The Frustration of Working For Someone Else Can Lead to Wonderful Things Day 16: Do This Before Your Next Meeting Day 17: 3 Killer Management Tips From Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Day 18: How To Manage A Brand-New Hire (Especially A New Employee That Has Never Worked) Day 19: How to Avoid Getting Fired Day 20: Why Sports Is The Best Topic To Discuss In All Business Meetings Thanks! Chris
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            Ever feel stuck in self doubt wanting another life but not finding the guts to try? When you feel stuck in a life where you feel you settled for less you become passive. You stop taking actions that might be seen as risky or unrealistic but which would bring you joy and you don't feel proud of yourself knowing that you haven't given your best. In Find The Courage & Freedom To Get What You Want you will learn how to create your own happiness even at difficult times. I will teach you to face the fear in a creative and fun way. This course is created as a starting point not to overwhelm you. And it is a very practical approach to some new changes in your life. I developed this course to encourage you in your first steps to change your life for better. You will review who you really are; what it is that you want, what your talents are, are you in the right job, would you like to start your own business, are you in a happy relationship and more. This course will teach you how to transform your negative thinking into positive thinking and become attractive to lovers, bosses, friends. It teaches you how to gain more confidence. This course is full of real-life examples since I'm a next door girl who made things happen. I use practical tools that you can implement in your life. Each video is supported with a worksheet to help you with exercises. What does it mean to be “stuck"? It's the feeling in the morning when you don't want to go to work. It's the feeling of guilt when you go to sleep knowing you wasted another day. It's the expectation from your parents, partners, school, friends about what you would need to do in your life in terms of a job, marriage, earning money. It's the voice telling you that you are not good enough and you will fail. Are you ready to find the courage and freedom to do what you want? Take this course to discover the tools needed to cultivate you true inner purpose and choices that away for you. If you want concise, no time costuming elaborate on details but a straight to the point advice to take your first step, this course will help you find the courage to listen to your desire.
              “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” ~Nelson Mandela Something major happens when you leave your schools and step into the so called “real” world. It is a difficult time , and in some cases, even more than that. It brings the stark realization of the disconnect between your vision of the world and how it really is , and this disconnect starts to emerge across all areas of life, that is, Physical (Health), Intellectual (Work), Social (Relationships), Financial (Money) and Spiritual (Soul). Although it seems to be this way, you are struggling to believe that this is it! In a very short span of time before you could even be adequately prepared for it, you find yourself hit by confusions, insecurities, disappointments, loneliness and eventually, at least a mild depression , if not a full-blown one. You are not able to visualize where your life is headed like this. You think endlessly about all your potential options and how you can break out of this life and get to those. Although there is tons of material available in the form of individual quotes or videos around the do’s and don’ts for the twenties, it is good for providing food for thought. In order for such material to be really effective, it is important that the material is provided as a comprehensive curriculum on succeeding in the twenties, which is precisely the intent behind this course. In the context of this course, s ucceeding in twenties means that you emerge out of this period as a balanced adult who is happy with the way your life has turned out along all areas , that is: Physical (Health), Intellectual (Work), Social (Relationships), Financial (Money), and Spiritual (Soul), even though you see majority of your peers to be unhappy and feeling stuck in their lives. Some key characteristics of succeeding in twenties will be: You will accept and adjust successfully in the real world while still keeping that “idealism” or “dream” alive, so that even if you cannot make it alive immediately, you can do it sometime in the future. This hope for a positive future keeps fueling you with energy to drive your present in a happy and enjoyable manner You will acquire a strong understanding of yourself and emerge out as someone who is able to redefine his/ her identity and align it with the one required for achieving the expectations that one has from their lives You will uncover your values and understand their relative prioritization so you can make the decisions that are right for you more consciously in terms of taking you closer to the life you always imagined living Although they have been introduced through the twenties, the principles presented in this course are applicable pretty much all along one’s lifetime , and hence would be useful for anyone looking to enhance the quality of their life. Imagine how much more you can achieve if you avoid the typical mistakes that most people make in their twenties and then suffer the far-reaching consequences of those mistakes for a long time to come. In this course, you will learn the most key principles for succeeding in your twenties that I have gathered from my extensive reading and experience (300+ self-help/ personal development books over ~20 years). Once you master these principles, you won’t need to read up any more detailed literature on this topic. A number of custom-designed exercises have been proposed within the course videos, which have proven effective for myself and many others around me. Ensure that you complete the exercises even if they feel uncomfortable/ tedious at first. Real lasting impact will come from doing the exercises. The course will cover the following topics: What does it mean to succeed in twenties? Most key challenges during this time What is still going your way? What are the core beliefs that will help you? Succeeding in twenties: Overall framework Key principles/ ideas along each aspect of the framework: Mindset/ Approach Physical (Health), Intellectual (Work) Social (Relationships) Financial (Money) Spiritual (Soul) Conclusion: Life goes on! With this short introduction, I would like to invite you to join me in this transformational journey. I have done my best to ensure that this course delivers significant value to you. Despite that, for some reason, should you feel you didn’t get adequate value for your money, feel free to go for the 30-day money back. Now, take action, enroll in the course and change your life forever!!
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                Change is something a man cannot do without base or core beliefs, and  now in this lecture, we will talk about how to change beliefs, how to  make it work and how to maintain these changes in your life. We will  study how our brain works and patterns that we can tweak to start the  process of change.